90年代初頭、前代未聞のスケールで、 日本の現代アートシーンを突き動かしたレントゲンヴェルケ。 新時代を切り開いてきた池内務氏の次なる仕掛けとは。
現代美術界の伝説と謳われる「レントゲンヴェルケ」。1991年に大田区にオープンし、倉庫を活用したダイナミックなスペースでは、村上 隆、ヤノベケンジ、小沢 剛など、今をときめく作家達を中心に、斬新な企画展や様々なイベントが昼夜繰り広げられ、日本の現代美術の夜明けともいうべき大きな足跡を残した。そのスペースを仕掛けたのが、池内 務氏だ。老舗古美術商の長男という意外な肩書きを持つギャラリストは、14歳の時にジャスパー・ジョーンズ回顧展を見て衝撃を受けて以来、自分にとっての「美」を現代美術の世界に求めてきた。
現在は、馬喰町にギャラリーを構え、「hyper technik」(超絶技巧)「solid shock」(固体衝撃)「clever beauty」(怜悧美学)をコンセプトに掲げ、これらの概念に合った作品を“アート”ではなく、敢えて“美術”という日本語で打ち出している。「“アート”という言葉を使う限り、必然的に欧米のルールに従うことになる。“美術”と表現することで、日本特有の技術力の高さや表現の強みを出していきたい。」取り扱う作品には共通して、日本人が受継いできた技術的な緻密さと計算され尽くした美学が感じられる。多くのものが造られては消費されていく中、美術品だけは、後世に残していくことを大前提として創られる。そう語る池内氏は、100年後にも骨董として残っていくような優品を世に発信し続ける。
Röntgen Art Laboratry, a legendary gallery in the contemporary art scene, was established in Oota-ku, 1991. Various innovative exhibitions and events of the leading artists including Takashi Murakami, Kenji Yanobe and Tsuyoshi Ozawa were held night and day, which was the dawn of Japanese contemporary art scene. Tsutomu Ikeuchi developed such an innovative space. Born as the eldest son of a traditional art dealer, he has sought for his own interpretation of beauty around the world ever since inspired by a retrospective exhibition of Jasper Jones at the age of 14.
Currently Ikeuchi operates his gallery in Bakurocho presenting works as “bijutsu” which is the original Japanese term for art, under the concept of “hyper technik, solid shock and clever beauty”. “As long as you go with a word ‘art’, you have to follow the Western concept behind the word. My intention of referring to ‘bijutsu’ is to bring out technical strength and power of expression unique to Japanese concept.” All the works he has been dealing with give the sense of beauty Japanese inherited: elaborate technic and calculated aesthetic value. In the time of mass-production and mass-consumption, only the works of art are created to be passed down the future generations. Ikeuchi says so and will be working on giving life to excellent works which will remain for 100 years or more as ne antiques.
On the other hand, Ikeuchi has been organizing art fairs recently, drawing on his experience of having participated in domestic and foreign art fairs. Among them, “ULTRA”, now in the fifth year, is the most unique art fair where directors under 40 individually participate. “To allow consumer to feel close to the idea of purchasing works of art, we need to increase the number of galleries and expand variety and scale of the art market.” ULTRA is organized by Ikeuchi with such an aim to foster young director’s spirit of independence. Ikeuchi has been the leading innovator and the trendsetter in the art market. What’s next to produce a new trend? It will be thrilling to see his challenge.
Radi-um von Röntgenwerke AG
東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町 2–5–17
T. 03–3662–11:00-19:00
Open on Fri. Sat. and Sun.